Monday, November 2, 2009

Group Task Roles

In college, I’ve been put into many different groups for different assignments in different classes. Most of the times, the students would be randomly segregated into different groups. It’s not easy to work together in a group, be it whether you know each other or not. When you know the members in your team, it gets a little hard to challenge ideas that you think would not work for fear of hurting their feelings. When you’re grouped with people you’re not close with, it’s equally tough to do the same because you do not want to be disliked by people you just met.

There are 3 general classes of member roles in a team. They are GROUP TASK ROLES, GROUP BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE ROLES, and INDIVIDUAL ROLES.

I will be blogging on the first role which is group task roles. Group task roles are the members who hold the roles to help the group focus on achieving its goals. This role can be divided into 3 examples:-
1) The information seeker or giver : this person asks for opinions, seek clarification of issues , and presents facts or opinions.
2) The evaluator-critic : - he evaluates decisions , questions probabilities , and arises with positive and negative feedbacks.
3) The procedural technician or recorder : takes care of various mechanical duties, such as distributing materials , arranging seating , and serving as group memories.

-Carmen Lee-

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