Sunday, October 11, 2009


Usually when ever we had a fight with someone what do we do? As i know the fight will be either
verbally or non-verbally. How if a pair of 'best friend' fight. What do they do and how they react?
The reason for this is because our brains default to a fear response system when we encounter something that puts us in the conflict. Unless we consciously choose to make peace, we will end up fighting.Conflict is good because it tells us that there is something that needs to be changed. In addition, conflict pushes us to be innovative, changing things that need improvement for the better. The problem with conflict is how we approach it. If we approach conflict from an unconscious perspective, too easily conflict can become destructive. The fear response system in our brains, if left in default mode, will compel us to freeze, flee, or fight. This can be very destructive because as people fight each other, obvious great damage can occur. On the other hand, conflict can be very constructive if people are conscious about it. If people realize that there is a conflict between them, and they consciously choose a peaceful process, they can then choose a number of different tools to assist them in finding a new, improved solution to an existing problem. In those cases, the lives of everybody will be much better. However, the key is being conscious about the conflict. Unconscious conflict is destructive; conscious conflict is constructive.Have you ask yourself how conflict solve their understanding?

~kAv!p Pr3yA,

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