Monday, October 19, 2009

To disclose or not to disclose

Self-Disclosure has to be pondered on before doing because it carries weight and might bring upon serious consequences if it’s used against you. These factors must be considered before succumbing to pressure to self-disclose.
1) Consider the motivation to self-disclose
Before self-disclosing, make sure that the motive of it is to bring more good than harm.

2) Consider the appropriateness of the self-disclosure
Time, place etc must be taken into consideration. Self-disclosure should be done to a person who could help you or a close friend and not some random people on the street.
3) Consider the disclosures of the other person
When you are self-disclosing, be aware of the other party’s reaction. If she is not responsive and responds awkwardly, that is an indication for you to stop self-disclosing.

4) Consider the possible burdens self-disclosure might entail
Weigh the possible effects of self-disclosing before blurting all your deep dark secrets. Will it take a toll on your personal/professional life? And also think about the person you’re disclosing to. Will it be a good choice to tell your friend about how you accidentally killed someone? If it leaves the listener with mental scars, do not self-disclose.

-Carmen Lee-

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