Wednesday, October 7, 2009

True Love

True love is
  • Passion
  • Intimacy 
  • commitment
Now, Love must consist of at least one of this qualities and also more. Eros love style for example is a style that has more passion in the relationship but lacks intimacy and commitment. It for mostly what others experience  and link it as  "Love at first sight". Ludic love consist of passion and intimacy but lacks also commitment. This love style lives with the concept of "There are plenty of fish in the sea".  Storge love are mostly about Intimacy and commitment but lacks passion in the relationship. It is more commonly known as "Love based on friendship," . However, this love has one of the highest chance of becoming true love if passion exist. Pragma love is mostly based on religion especially among Christianity and surpass any other styles in commitment but lacks the rest. It is often introduced cultures and religion. This love style has its pros and cons. It is good because the commitment usually brings two people about together and share their feelings and leads to intimacy. From there onwards, it also leads to passion which is finally true love. It is also bad because just commitment alone will eventually lead to cheating among the spouse because there is no progression in the relationship and the human's mind always tries to seek for new things. Agapic love consist mostly passion and commitment in the relationship but lacks the intimacy. It is usually one party that eventually suffers which also can lead to break ups and true love too. No one in the right mind would want to suffer alone but it also turns into true love if the other realizes the mistake. Last but not least, Manic love consist none of the above. It is more towards infatuation and often mistaken as falling in love. It is considered as infatuation because it is more towards one party falling in love rather than two.

The process of love starts of like Manic love, and if the other party does reply the love, then it evolves to a different love style depending on the other party.  For example, if the other party is a person who is more bodily or physical love, then it becomes Eros love. If the person is the type that like sharing things and physically attached to you, but doesn't like being tied down then it becomes Ludic love. However, if the other party is more towards the type that prefers to start as friends, then it evolves into Storge love. If  it is introduced straight to marriage like in arranged marriage, then it evolves into pragma love. Most relationships will go through the evolution of Agapic love during the conflicts in the relationships.

~Daryl Justin De Rozario~

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