Monday, October 26, 2009


Have you ever encountered a person you never really like talking to but  cannot seem to get them away from you? Or just that you are forced to have that conversation? Well, I had those experience I never want to repeat them. Well, I used to go to most tuition centers alone till got I kicked out from most because I either am sleeping in class or just being "too smart" for the teachers there to argue with me. After all, I could always use the words that "I am still paying you"... Well, in the end my parents could not find any tuition center that could stand me and finally gave up and placed me in the same tuition center with my "nerdy" cousin... My gosh, if you had known him, you'll probably have murdered him on the spot cause he never really knows how to keep his mouth shut nor does stop complaining about his results not being above par when he scores on an average of 82.2% during those high school years. The time spent there was so boring and frustrating I really got angry at my cousin for boring me with all his talking and it made the relationship between the family tight. So, one day I read on an article that was suggesting was to resurrect a conversation. It was called parroting. Like a parrot, simply repeat the last few words your conversation partner says. That puts the ball right back in his or her court, and then all you need to do is listen. And that where is where I learned to just turn a deaf ear to him but not total silent. Just repeat the last sentence he had just said and let him ramble all he wants and just listne to the end and continue repeating the same steps.. And there you go, Parroting...

~Daryl Justin De Rozario~

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